2023 ICC Cape
Category: Atlases
- The Atlas of Unusual Borders, United Kingdom
- State of Israel – 70 years of Statistics, Historical Statistical Atlas 1948-2018, Israel
- Atlas of the Invisible, United Kingdom
Category: Popular vote (Atlases)
National Atlas of Hungary – Society, Hungary
2021 ICC Florence
Category: Atlases
- The Atlas of Unusual Borders, United Kingdom
- State of Israel – 70 years of Statistics, Historical Statistical Atlas 1948-2018, Israel
- Atlas of the Invisible, United Kingdom
Category: Popular vote (Atlases)
National Atlas of Hungary – Society, Hungary
2019 ICC Tokyo
Category: Atlases
- National Atlas of Hungary, Hungary
- Graphical Statistical Atlas of Switzerland 1897–2017, Switzerland
- Atlas of Poland’s Political Geography, Poland
2017 ICC Washington D.C.
Category: Atlases
- The National Atlas of Korea, Republic of Korea
- Tactile Atlas of Switzerland, Switzerland
- Grand Topographic Atlas of Catalonia 1:25,000, Catalunya
- genderATlas goes school, Austria
- Historical Atlas of Poland for blind and visually impaired, Poland
3. Atlas of Switzerland – Online, Switzerland
Category: Public vote (Atlases)
Swiss World Atlas, 2017 Edition, Switzerland
Category: Public vote (Digital Products)
Atlas of Switzerland – Online, Switzerland
2015 ICC Rio de Janeiro
Category: Printed Atlas
- The Atlas of Cultural Heritage in the Netherlands, Netherlands
- Graphical and Statistical Atlas of Switzerland 1914–2014, Switzerland
- Atlas of Typical Landform in Western China, China
2013 ICC Dresden
- Atlas De Wit, Belgium
- Circumpolar Health Atlas, Canada
- The Chang’E-1 Topographic Atlas of the Moon, China