Awards and Honors

2023 ICC Cape

Category: Atlases

  1. The Atlas of Unusual Borders, United Kingdom
  2. State of Israel – 70 years of Statistics, Historical Statistical Atlas 1948-2018, Israel
  3. Atlas of the Invisible, United Kingdom

Category: Popular vote (Atlases)

National Atlas of Hungary – Society, Hungary

2021 ICC Florence

Category: Atlases

  1. The Atlas of Unusual Borders, United Kingdom
  2. State of Israel – 70 years of Statistics, Historical Statistical Atlas 1948-2018, Israel
  3. Atlas of the Invisible, United Kingdom

Category: Popular vote (Atlases)

National Atlas of Hungary – Society, Hungary

2019 ICC Tokyo

Category: Atlases

  1. National Atlas of Hungary, Hungary
  2. Graphical Statistical Atlas of Switzerland 1897–2017, Switzerland
  3. Atlas of Poland’s Political Geography, Poland

2017 ICC Washington D.C.

Category: Atlases

  1. The National Atlas of Korea, Republic of Korea
  2. Tactile Atlas of Switzerland, Switzerland
  3. Grand Topographic Atlas of Catalonia 1:25,000, Catalunya


  1. genderATlas goes school, Austria
  2. Historical Atlas of Poland for blind and visually impaired, Poland


3. Atlas of Switzerland – Online, Switzerland

Category: Public vote (Atlases)

Swiss World Atlas, 2017 Edition, Switzerland

Category: Public vote (Digital Products)

Atlas of Switzerland – Online, Switzerland

2015   ICC Rio de Janeiro

Category: Printed Atlas

  1. The Atlas of Cultural Heritage in the Netherlands, Netherlands
  2. Graphical and Statistical Atlas of Switzerland 1914–2014, Switzerland
  3. Atlas of Typical Landform in Western China, China

2013   ICC Dresden


  1. Atlas De Wit, Belgium
  2. Circumpolar Health Atlas, Canada
  3. The Chang’E-1 Topographic Atlas of the Moon, China