Terms of Refenrence (2023-2027)
- Encourage and promote the production and use of all types of atlases
- Organise workshops and conference sessions to discuss solutions to relevant issues in systematic cartography
- Continue to discuss atlas theory and concepts, including atlas taxonomy
- Promote the publication of knowledge on the production and use of atlases
- Deepen links with more ICA Commissions and develop joint research activities
- Maintain the commission’s website to ensure information exchange among cartographers involved in the commission and to disseminate information about the commission’s activities
- Organize, update and promote a repository that reflects recent developments and preserves historical approaches of atlas research and theory
- Sontinue to finalize and maintain an electronic inventory of national atlases with key characteristics and relevant links
- Develop and promote the (digital) basis for participatory atlas projects to enable people to publish atlases
- [Develop a concept for the publication of an SDG-Atlas that reflects and extends the approaches of user-centered atlas design and promotes the idea of SDGs]